Friday 3 January 2014

Review: Ender's Game (Book)

Do you have already read it? In case you don't, this review will be usefull for you.

A little bit of story.

Ender's Game tells the story of a young child called Andrew Wiggin (A.K.A. Ender) that is a third child in a family who lives in a government that only admits two child. Ender was an exception (and for good reasons). Also, he lives in a future where mankind faces it own extermination in hands of a alien society called "Buggers".
That's when Ender is recruited by military for be trained in a Battle School in space. A horrible place where gifted children are trained to direct a next war.
In that place, Ender is trained hard (more that other childs) to explode all of his potential, and received a special training, for being "the chosen".

Also Ender meet a lot of people who are his friends, and his enemies. But with the constant changes that the school make to him, he gets frustrated, and a little depressed by existential problem. He feels is a killer, as someone.

The rest of the story needs to be readed by you, and if you get interested of it, please buy the book.

Here's my opinion.

I think (as a new reader) is one of the best science fiction books ever. The story is well told, and it keeps you interested in every single page, wich makes you fell anxiety by the question "What's happening next with Ender?!" (that is the best thing can happen to you when you're reading) because every chapter in the book is different than the others. The actions in every chapter doesn't happen twice. Never repeats. Everything on the book it's genuine. Even knowing that the time when the book was written is different than today. The story keeps it magic through the time.

The only think I can protest (about this single book), is that the end was so sadly I fall in tears for twenty minutes. Why such an amazing story has that deeply sad end?! Orson Scott Card has no mercy with Ender, and that's everything I've said.

Anyway, I highly recommend this book. Even if you're not a full-time reader, you'll love it anyway.


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