Saturday 4 January 2014

3 Simple tips that will be useful for you if don't know what to study

Hello there. I'm sorry for don't post something yesterday. But it's okay, I know you don't give a shit about it so, let's start with that summon us!

3 Simple tips that will be useful for you if don't know what to study!


1) Don't be whatever people want for you: Don't let people make choices about your future. It's the first step to hate your own life.
So take breath, and scream to your parents, grandparents or your uncles that it's your life, and you'll manage it pretty well.

2) Take a minute to think what you love to do: This is very important, and must be something constructive. Something that you can make money with, and do it. You have many examples of it: Photographer, Filmmaker, Musician, Skateboarding,etc. (Wank is not a choice)

Find how other people make money with it and just do it. 

3) Find a career: Go to a college, university or institute and learn about it in case you really need it.

Although, in this days going to a college, university or institute is not something really relevant for your career if you really want to be someone. Education for a enterpreneur is a plus, not a condition. You can be anything you want if you really want to be that. And if you think i'm crazy, please read a book about enterpreneurship (that should clear your doubts).

4) Finally, just be the best: Work hard on it, and be the best. And remember everyday that you're working in something you love (because, only brave people who could take risks can say that).

And of course. Don't give credits to your god. No one wanted that for you. You was enough brave and strong to get it.

I hope this simple tips was useful for you, because everytime I face people with problems about "What to study?" "What I wanna be?" "In what I wanna work?" I advise them with all that I just wrote, because the most important fact about this is that you must have a vocation, and love what you do.


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